Friday, January 29, 2010

hard reality

So it has become rather obvious to me the trend in 2010 is to get married and/or have babies. All of my college girlfriends seem to be handing in the single towel and getting married what seems like every other week. Those that aren't getting married are having babies and some of them are even on their second or third. I started thinking how young these women are and then the hard reality hit, we aren't that young anymore. As if i needed to add any more insult to injury, today on facebook I received an invite to my 10 year high school reunion. I will turn 28 years old in October and I can't even begin to tell you how much of a hard reality that is to swallow. Davey and I have been engaged for a very long time and the reasoning behind that is not because we aren't serious about each other but because we wanted to have certain things accomplished by the time we walked down the aisle. For starters I wanted to have a down payment on a house ready to go, I wanted my career to be in full swing and I wanted to have enough money to pay for certain things myself. I also want to be about 30 lbs lighter and be able to fly out all of Davey's family from the UK. There are all of these elements that we have to worry about and then when you throw a baby in the mix it's as if telling me I would have to sell my soul for food stamps in order to survive.