Monday, April 20, 2009

never too old...

perusing through google often produces a detrimental truth that one day i will have to face.

how old is too old for hello kitty?

i for one don't see that day coming anytime soon, and i fear that my desire for her has remained throughout the vast majority of my life.

when i was a child my parents would give me a $100 dollar bill to spend at the sanrio store. it wasn't always hello kitty that i loved i had a few favorites that i frequently liked to grace my three ring binders and plastic pencil cases:

1. little twin stars
2. kero-kero-keroppi
3. pippo
4. my melody

i wonder when the attachment will end, when will i be able to place my car keys on the key rack without having a giant fluffy cat face to identify my keys from the otherwise boring and dull counterparts?

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