Tuesday, October 21, 2008

stairway to heaven

here is a video of my three year old nephew singing stairway to heaven feel free to tell me how cute the little ratzy is:


Melissa said...

OMG Lauren that was the cutest thing that I ever did see!!!! Your nephew is soooooooooooo cute. What a rock star he is =) What a great song choice too. That song freaking ROCKS!!!! I have a funny story about Led Zeppelin, that is my dad's absolute favorite band in the world and he wanted to name me "Kashmir" after their most famous song. He begged my mom but she refushed to name me Kashmir Hudgins, hahahah, lol. Anyways, that video made my night. Z is the cutes kid on this planet. He's gonna be famous one day. Thank you for posting this. It was the BOLLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!


Melissa =)

tara said...

a lauren stanley exclusive: http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/29380312.html#cutid1

i'm sure you've seen it, but i totally thought of you!
