Saturday, April 5, 2008

dead inside

lately my boyfriend of over two years always reminds me after we get in a fight that i am simply dead inside.  i would probably take much offense to that statement if i didn't agree with him wholeheartedly.

you see, i have and always will be someone with a flare for the dramatic. it's in my blood and i am way passed the stage of trying to conceal it for the benefit of having more people like me. I am who I am-get with it or get over it....lately it seems however that the drama has taken more of a backseat and my depression has come down full force and taken over me.  i suppose i should get on something. perhaps zoloft. i honestly feel so empty inside i don't even think zoloft could have any negative side effects on me.

and just to clear the air, i don't think my life sucks, i don't hate my family and friends. i am just simply more depressed than usual and I don't think it's fair to behave this way in front of my loved ones especially if I don't even like it myself!