Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the everyday

everyday i do two loads of laundry, fold towels, sweep the bathroom floor, sweep the kitchen floor, vacuum the family room, vacuum the bedroom, workout for an hour, make sure there is not one dish or piece of silverware in the sink, drive davey to work or to church, clean the litterbox, feed the cats, make the bed, fluff the pillows, check the mail (except on sunday), listen to bach, write down my calories, go to starbucks, straighten up the kitchen, water the plants, drink some almond milk, go on facebook, read, online browsing, online shopping, look for my future home, lay next to my cats, watch the view, look for future jobs, finish my grad studies, obsess over chapman school of education for my phd, pick davey up from work or from church, think about smoking but be thankful that i quit, talk to my mom, talk to my dad, talk to the cats, and think how crazy i must come off to some people. these are honestly all things that i do everyday without fail.

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