Oh Darlington. You had me at your name, darlington. You look like you came out of my dreams, and you offer me such an eccentric, historical and quaint destination wedding that I think I am in love with you before I have even met you. Last weekend David, my parents and I took a drive down to La Jolla and walked the outside of the Darlington only to be even more bewitched by it's presence due to their massive 15 foot rod iron gates. Here are a few photos that I have managed to scavenger from the web and I absolutely cannot wait for our official tour appointment on Tuesday where I will get the full view of everything this beauty has to offer.
Leave it to me to get the most boring pair out of the collection, but since this was all I could find in the price range I was willing to pay, I have to take what I could get. I am in love with these and cannot imagine how amazing it would be to own a few of the more 'show stopping' gems bellow...